Finished Week #1 and Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day to all my wonderful Canuck friends!!

Today is one of my favourite summer holidays. It is a day where everyone gathers together; family, friends, neighbours, to celebrate our amazing country.

Every year, we travel to a nearby town for a day long celebration with music, tours of a century, historical home, a great parade, food and entertainment. It's a lot of fun. Then it's home to our little town for more music, bouncy castles, kids games and of course, fireworks.

It's exhausting but incredibly fun. I'm really looking forward to today!

I'm also very proud of myself, I finished week one! I managed to get the desk area cleaned up and my coupon zone prepared. I even changed the lightbulb so I can work at night if I need to! :)

I even added a basket as a place to put coupons that need to be cut out and organized into my binder. Before I was just slipping them in the front of the binder where they would fall out, get lost, etc. Now, I have a place to keep them until I can properly prepare and organize them!

In case you're wondering why I didn't do anything with the shirts hanging on the wall, there is a reason for it. They are my fathers' shirts. He passed away last June and I am planning on cutting them up to make a quilt for my son and my daughter as a memorial for them to keep. I'm a brand new quilter, so this is taking much, much longer than I thought it would, but that's ok. I'm plugging away at it and that is what matters. By the time they're in their 30's, I should have them done. LOL!


  1. Love the blog name. I am following from Friday Blog hop. Please follow back.

  2. Thanks so much! Hubby picked that name a few years back, I'm just now getting around to using it. :)


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