A Photo or Two

I'm sure everyone has heard about the launch of the new iPhone. You really couldn't miss it, seeing as it practically dominated the news on September 21.

Well, I have to admit I fell prey to the hype. I didn't purchase an iPhone 5, but I did upgrade to a 4s.

One of my favourite new toys on my new phone is Instagram. With this app anyone can take photos like a pro, just with the built in camera. Of course I've been snapping away and I thought I would share a few with you.

This is my newest baby, Fenton. He was quite seriously the ugliest kitten, but boy did he grow up gorgeous!

My hubby and our dog, Charlie.

This is a kind of cool shot of some fungus growing on our tree.

My daughter and my puppy, Sammy on her 18th birthday.

And finally, a very rare photo of yours truly.

I have a ton more, but for now, I'll end it here. I hope you enjoyed them!


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